Sean is an experienced multi-certified and accredited trainer and coach. His educational background in exercise science and his most recent qualification as an exercise rehabilitation specialist (AFPA, 2013) means he is perfectly positioned to work with a multitude of clients. This includes, but is not limited to, clients who have musculoskeletal pathologies as well as those who are recovering from neurological, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. He specializes in the assessment screening process, which is essential to understanding the potential limitations to certain types of exercise. His implementation of current post-rehabilitation protocols, increase the probability of a complete recovery for his clients. Sean is a certified strength and conditioning coach and works with numerous sports-people helping to maximize their performance in all areas of athletic endeavours. He is experienced in working with both pre-pubescent as well as adult athletes. His technical expertise in sports biomechanics covers golf, soccer, tennis, rugby, cricket and footy. His personal philosophy that ‘it’s not always about how hard you train, it’s also about how smart you train’ has helped him achieve remarkable results with all his clients.